Car Accidents & Brain Injuries
Albuquerque Brain Injury Lawyer
The consequences of a car accident can be as varied as their causes, from something as common as whiplash to something as emotionally damaging as the wrongful death of a loved one. Brain injuries caused by car accidents are at an unfortunate middle ground, being both fairly common and incredibly severe. If you have been in a traffic collision recently and are now suffering from headaches, nausea, insomnia, and more, you might have suffered a brain injury as a result of that crash.
Albuquerque Brain Injury Attorney Michael J. Doyle of our law firm can help you seek maximum financial recovery from the liable party in your accident with as little stress on your own shoulders as possible. By offering free initial consultations, you can retain our services for no large sums up front. By offering “no win, no fee” agreements, meaning we do not get paid unless we land you a settlement, you can also pursue justice via the courtroom with virtually no risk to you.
Dial (505) 219-2176 to speak with our team today.
Hardships Caused by Brain Injuries
Due to the fact that a brain injury might not cause any visible wound – head trauma does not have to be apparent for your brain to be damaged in a car accident, only severe and sudden shaking is necessary – you may have underestimated just how much harm your crash has caused you. Expensive hospital and medical costs will not be the only hardships affecting you after a brain injury. Your everyday life can be impacted, and the consequences call for just as much compensation as physical injuries.
After suffering a brain injury, you may have difficulty:
- Performing regular work functions
- Driving your automobile safely
- Reading, writing, or watching television
- Understanding simple notions or ideas
- Relaying your thoughts into words
- Remembering or recalling information
You should not have to struggle through each day after someone else has caused your car accident and brain injury. You deserve to feel comfortable and find peace of mind in knowing that you have been compensated for your undue hardships. Your needs become the priority for our team.
Who Caused Your Car Accident?
If you want to gain monetary recoveries after your car accident, you need to be able to show through definitive proof that you were not liable for the collision. This process begins with collecting evidence at the time of the crash but continues with the help of a professional personal injury lawyer who knows how to review and use proof and data to your advantage. The more you can recall about the car accident, the better.
Be sure to tell your lawyer if you think the other driver was:
- Speeding
- Intoxicated
- Texting while driving
- Conversing with passengers
Nearly 20 Years’ Experience for Your Case
Even though you might just want to put this entire car accident and brain injury event behind you, there may still be a serious legal battle ahead if you want to recover as comfortably as possible. Let our Albuquerque brain injury attorney take the reins during your case and lead the charge against the liable parties, all while you do your best to relax and focus on recuperation.
It is always our honor to be able to help the people of our community and New Mexico, and we would be glad to hear more about what happened to you during a complimentary case evaluation.

Discover how we can fight for you in your personal injury or workers' compensation claim.