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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

Do Strains & Sprains in Healthcare Qualify for Workers' Comp?

Sprains and strains are some of the most common injuries healthcare workers suffer due to their job duties. But are they covered by workers’ compensation benefits in New Mexico? Our Albuquerque health worker injury attorney explains how to get workers’ compensation for strains and sprains in healthcare.

What are Sprains & Strains?

Soft tissue injuries such as strains and sprains are common ailments that many of us will suffer at some point or another. Fortunately, they generally can heal easily with time and rest but can cause immense pain and other problems if not promptly treated. Both injuries involve the overstretching of the soft tissues in and around your joints, but they are not interchangeable.

The main differences between the two injuries are noted below:

  • Sprains: A sprain is an injury that affects a ligament. Ligaments are bands of soft tissue that connect the bones throughout your body. A sprain stretches a ligament further than it is meant to be stretched. The most severe sprains may involve a torn ligament.
  • Strains: Strains occur when a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn. Muscles are the body’s soft tissues that allow us to move; tendons are bands of soft tissue that connect muscles to bones. Like sprains, strains are usually caused by these being stretched too far but can also involve tears.

Sprains and strains typically occur in the back, thumbs, wrists, knees, and ankles. In the healthcare industry, strains are typically caused by working for long hours and performing repetitive motions but can also be caused by lifting heavy objects or an accident such as a slip and fall. Read more about common workplace injuries here.

Do Soft Tissue Injuries Qualify for Workers’ Compensation?

As long as you can prove that the injury was caused by your job duties you should have no problem filing a workers’ compensation claim for a strain or a sprain, regardless of what industry you work in. Workers’ compensation covers all types of job-related injuries—sprains and strains included. However, you will need to prove that you suffered your injury at work. An attorney can help with this if you’re not sure how.

Even though soft tissue injuries aren’t taken as seriously other types of physical trauma that tend to be associated with workers’ comp claims, strains and sprains can lead to substantial medical bills and lost wages. Sprains and strains can also be extremely painful and debilitating. By filing a claim, you can receive compensation for your related medical expenses, disability benefits (if needed), and a portion of your lost wages from missed work. Recovery time for strains and sprains vary but usually takes between two to six weeks. That’s a lot of missed income!

For these reasons, we recommended filing a claim even if you don’t think your injury is serious enough to warrant it—or at least consulting with a work injury lawyer in your area to see if filing a claim is the right decision for you.

If you have been hurt at work, you should speak with an attorney to find out if you qualify for workers’ compensation in New Mexico or another claim for compensation. Most attorneys offer free consultations, so you can get legal advice at no cost or obligation to you. You can also visit the State of New Mexico Workers’ Compensation website here for more information.

Injured at work? Our Albuquerque health worker injury attorney can help you file a New Mexico workers’ compensation claim for sprains, strains, and other soft tissue injuries. Contact us now for a free consultation.