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Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law
Free Consultations 505-219-2176

What Is Bad Faith in Insurance?


Navigating the aftermath of a personal injury accident can be overwhelming. Not only do you have to contend with physical and emotional recovery, but you also face the daunting task of dealing with insurance companies.

When you pay for insurance, you expect your insurer to be there for you in your time of need. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Some insurers act in bad faith, deliberately obstructing or undermining your claim. Understanding what constitutes bad faith in insurance is crucial for protecting your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Defining Insurance Bad Faith

Insurance companies have a legal duty to treat their policyholders fairly and to honor the terms of the insurance policy. Bad faith occurs when an insurance company fails to act in good faith and fair dealing with the insured. Essentially, it involves any attempt by an insurer to avoid their obligations to policyholders, either by denying a legitimate claim, delaying the process unreasonably, or offering less compensation than what is fair.

Unjustified Claim Denials

One of the most blatant forms of bad faith is the outright denial of a valid claim. An insurance company might deny a claim without providing a reasonable basis for their decision, or they might fail to conduct a proper investigation into the claim. If your claim is denied without adequate explanation, it’s a red flag that your insurer may be acting in bad faith.

Delayed Payment or Processing

Insurance companies are expected to process and pay claims within a reasonable timeframe. However, some insurers intentionally delay the process to avoid paying out a claim. This could involve unnecessary requests for documentation, repeated claim reviews, or simply ignoring communications. Such tactics are not only frustrating but also financially straining for the policyholder who needs timely compensation.

Lowball Settlement Offers

Another common tactic is offering a settlement that is significantly lower than what the claim is worth. Insurers may hope that you will accept the lower amount out of desperation or lack of knowledge. This practice is particularly harmful because it preys on victims during a vulnerable period, often when they need funds the most to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses.

Misrepresentation of Policy Terms

Some insurers might misrepresent the terms of the policy to avoid paying a claim. This can include providing incorrect information about coverage limits, exclusions, or other key aspects of the policy. Misrepresentation can lead to a denial of benefits that should rightfully be paid out under the policy terms.

Failure to Conduct a Thorough Investigation

Insurance companies are required to investigate claims thoroughly and in a timely manner. However, an insurer acting in bad faith might conduct a superficial investigation or none at all. This lack of diligence can result in the wrongful denial of a claim or a reduced settlement offer.

Legal Recourse for Insurance Bad Faith

If you believe your insurer is acting in bad faith, you have several legal options to consider. It’s important to document all communications and actions taken by the insurance company as evidence to support your case.

The following are some steps you can take to ensure you are treated fairly in the end.

File a Complaint

You can file a complaint with your state’s insurance department. Regulatory bodies oversee insurance companies and ensure they comply with state laws. While this might not result in immediate compensation, it can initiate an investigation into the insurer’s practices.

Contact an Attorney

An attorney who has experience handling insurance bad faith can provide invaluable assistance. They can help you understand your rights, evaluate your claim, and advise you on the best course of action. In many cases, simply having an attorney can prompt the insurer to act more fairly.

File a Bad Faith Lawsuit

In severe cases, you may choose to file a bad faith lawsuit against the insurance company. If you can prove that the insurer acted in bad faith, you may be entitled to compensation beyond the original claim amount. This could include punitive damages, which are intended to punish the insurer and deter similar behavior in the future.

Contact Us for Legal Assistance

Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law can provide the legal services you need to hold your insurance company accountable for damages when it acts in bad faith. With our aggressive representation, we may be able to compel your insurance company to reverse unfair decisions. We can also represent you in court should your insurer fail to make a more reasonable decision in your favor.

When your insurance company isn’t abiding by its terms or providing you with the benefits outlined in your policy, rest assured that you don’t have to accept the outcome without a challenge. Contact Michael J. Doyle, Attorney At Law to request a consultation and learn more about legal options that may be available to you.

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