Permanent Disability Benefits
Albuquerque Workers’ Compensation Attorney
A workplace injury that is so severe or debilitating that it continues to cause you complications or pain for the rest of your life may constitute the need for permanent disability benefits. Even if you are stabilized and released from the hospital, the need for permanent disability benefits can continue so long as you are experiencing difficulty in your workplace. Obtaining these benefits may be an uphill battle, however, due to the fact that most employers or their insurance companies will not want to spend a considerable amount on a single employee.
If you need help fighting for your rights as a worker than was injured on-the-job, Albuquerque Workers’ Compensation Attorney Michael J. Doyle can help you. Our team is well-versed in all sorts of personal injury cases and have a deliberate focus on workers’ comp claims.
Call (505) 219-2176 or contact us online today to learn more about what we do for our clients.
Your Maximum Medical Improvement
Before you can be considered eligible for permanent disability benefits, it is usually necessary for your doctor to determine if you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). Reaching MMI means that you cannot reasonably be expected to recover further from your injuries, even with the best medicine and technology put to use. If you had been receiving temporary disability benefits, they will end once you reach MMI. Ideally, you should be able to either return to work comfortably or gain permanent disability benefits instead.
Factors to Determine Your Disability Rating
A doctor that is approved by both yourself and your employer will need to determine your disability rating. This number – represented as a percentage – is based on state-approved calculations and factors. The higher the percentage, the more disabled the state considers you to be.
The factors generally considered in a permanent disability rating are:
- Age
- Occupation
- Expected future wages
- Type of injury
If the disability rating percentage is 99% or less, you are considered to be able to continue to do some work but not as much as an unaffected individual would complete. You would be given partial permanent disability. If the percentage reaches 100%, you are considered to be unable to work without risking further injury to yourself, and you should be given total permanent disability.
Get a Free Case Review Today
If you suspect that your employer or their insurance company are making deliberate attempts to minimize your benefits, or perhaps deny them altogether, you need to get a professional lawyer’s assistance to set things right. The sooner you begin, the sooner you can start receiving the fair compensation you deserve for your workplace injury.
Contact Michael J. Doyle, Attorney at Law and ask about how our Albuquerque workers’ compensation lawyer can handle cases just like yours.

Discover how we can fight for you in your personal injury or workers' compensation claim.